Connect to Mumbai for Testnet

Affi Network testnet runs on Mumbai chain which is a testnet for the Polygon chain. In order to interact with our dApp, you need to set up Mumbai chain.

Set up Mumbai Chain on Metamask

The easiest way to add Mumbai to your Metamask is to head to Mumbai, and on the bottom right corner, hit add to Metamask and follow the prompts.

Get some faucets

To test our dApp by yourself, you need some faucets. You can get some from

Connect Wallet

Visit our dApp and click on Connect Wallet and choose your favorite wallet. Right now, we offer the choice between Metamask , Rainbow , Coinbase wallet , or WalletConnect .

Sign message

You'll be asked to sign a message with your wallet to confirm your account ownership.

For security measures, we require you to sign a message every time you switch accounts within your wallet.

Congratulations! You are now ready to create a test campaign on Affi Network.

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