How to become a liquidity provider for Affi Network and earn trading fees?
How to become a liquidity provider for Affi Network and earn trading fees:
Choose whether to pair AFFI with ETH, MATIC, or USDT. (AFFI/ETH, AFFI/MATIC, AFFI/USDT)
It’s required to add liquidity in a 50:50 ratio. Assume you chose AFFI/ETH (e.g. 1 ETH total).
Send ETH (or MATIC/USDT) to your web wallet (e.g. Metamask) on Polygon
Send 1 ETH + 1 MATIC (to use as transaction fees on the Polygon network - if it’s already there or if you’re pairing with MATIC, skip this).
Visit - Swap 50% WETH (or MATIC/USDT) to AFFI
Use Affi Network’s contract address: 0x1C15926Ea330C394D891Fd88f62D37ea6aF953c3 to confirm that you’re selecting the correct ‘AFFI’ token - you can simply paste this address (see below). Make sure you’re on Polygon network. You should end up with 50% in WETH (or MATIC/USDT) and 50% in AFFI. Note that ETH on Polygon is converted to Wrapped ETH (WETH). Once the tokens are in a ~50:50 ratio, you’re ready to provide liquidity.
Provide liquidity:
(won’t be exact - that’s okay) Provide liquidity for WETH/AFFI here: (connect to Uniswap on Polygon)
Provide liquidity for MATIC/AFFI here: (connect to Uniswap on Polygon)
Provide liquidity for USDT/AFFI here: (connect to Uniswap on Polygon)